Wetherington Blvd. Bioswales

Viox & Viox upgraded Wetherington Boulevard in 2008.  The road previously had no shoulder or curb, and cars were straying out of the driving lane. The new boulevard implemented a curb and gutter system with flume outlets, grass swales, and layered bioswales. The solution allowed the City to gain the safety benefits of the road upgrade without sacrificing the stormwater management benefits of a “curbless” street. This project was progressive and one of the first of its kind in the Northern Kentucky, Greater Cincinnati area. This project was designed prior to many new regulations that are now in place that require this type of post-construction Best Management Practice (BMP) approach to stormwater management. The pilot project for the City was constructed in 2008 and is still percolating and recharging well today during storm events.


Client:City of Florence
Location:City of Florence
Market:Road & Utility – Green Infrastructure
Size:1.4 Miles

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